Use "unbundle|unbundled|unbundles|unbundling" in a sentence

1. In other Member States (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France) unbundling means unbundling of accounts

2. FTTC networks: duct access, sub-loop unbundling and bitstream access.

3. — FTTC networks: duct access, sub-loop unbundling and bit-stream access.

4. — ADSL-based broadband networks: unbundled access to the local loop, bit-stream access.

5. It provides the Androidx.* package libraries, unbundled from the platform API

6. • Installation, Testing and Maintenance Guidelines for Unbundled Loops, Version 1.0

7. For FTTC networks: duct access, sub-loop unbundling and bit-stream access.

8. (32) For example, an ADSL network should provide bitstream and full unbundling, whereas a NGA fibre-based network should provide at least access to dark fibre, bitstream, and if a FTTC network is being deployed, access to sub-loop unbundling.

9. - access to the fixed public telephone network, including unbundled access to the local loop;

10. - access to the fixed public telephone network, including unbundled access to the local loop

11. Full unbundled access to the local loop is not covered by the ONP Directives.

12. The Bundling and unBundling of products, services, and entire value chains is such a pattern known from other industries

13. The two technical options - full unbundled access and shared access - are not economically neutral.

14. access to the fixed public telephone network, including unbundled access to the local loop

15. For ADSL-based broadband networks: unbundled access to the local loop, bit-stream access.

16. Pst, i is the reserve price for a given unbundled standard capacity product at interconnection point ;

17. Passive network infrastructure: duct access, access to dark fibre and/or unbundled access to the local loop.

18. (1) network elements, including unbundled access to local loops and associated facilities and connection of equipment,

19. Unbundled access to the local loop is a short-term priority under the eEurope Action Plan.

20. — Passive network infrastructure: duct access, access to dark fibre and/or unbundled access to the local loop.

21. For passive network infrastructure: duct access, access to dark fibre and/or unbundled access to the local loop.

22. Bskt facilitates the bundling and unbundling of a collection of ERC20 tokens in exchange for a new ERC20 token

23. Under that law, the operating activities in respect of the distribution network and the distribution of electricity were unbundled.

24. Its customers start with an unbundled base fares that remove components included in the price of an Airline ticket.

25. • as regards the single market for gas and electricity, effective separation of supply and production activities from network operations (unbundling);

26. Assemble Law Group offers legal services under several fee structures, including flat fees, unbundled services, and a sliding fee scale.

27. 2 days ago · Authorization is “the next layer of software to be unbundled or abstracted,” Oso CEO Graham Neray said in an interview

28. The Commission however requires that BMTS make available the unbundled elements required for alternate service providers to access the subscriber loop in order to connect their own DSL equipment.

29. The comparable wholesale and retail services are found to be fully unbundled local loop access and retail access in all its variants, i.e. analogue, ISDN and ADSL.

30. UnBundling is a process by which a large company with several different lines of business retains one or more core businesses and sells off the remaining assets, product/service lines, divisions

31. These tariffs are on the one hand the tariffs for full unbundling of an analogue copper pair (wholesale access service) and on the other the tariffs for a straightforward telephone line, ISDN, and ADSL (retail access service).

32. CenturyLink's Collocation products allow you, as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), to interconnect to the CenturyLink network, access Unbundled Network Elements (UNEs), Ancillary Services and Finished Services by placing equipment or establishing connectivity at CenturyLink's premises.

33. 2005-11-07 CAT 8740-S22-200500464 Local Network Interconnection and Component Unbundling (pursuant to decision 2004-46) D2006-35 Abbreviations: *TN = Tariff Notice *GT = General Tariff *AST = Access Service Tariff *SFT - Special Facilities Tariff *CAT = Carrier Access Tariff

34. Of these DT possessed 51,37 million analogue and ISDN channels, while DT's 64 competitors possessed a total of 2,35 million such channels, either in their own networks or on the basis of contracts for unbundled access to the local loop.